Monday, December 04, 2006

Praise Others Project (December 4th) - Dr. Charles A. Garfield

Many years ago I purchased a book at a used bookstore called Peak Performers: The New Heroes of American Business by Dr. Charles A. Garfield. The book was written in 1986 and was already a decade old when I discovered this gem. Even twenty years after publication the book is still an inspiration to achieve more in all aspects of life.

Garfield has written two other books the topic of success, is a professor of psychology at UCSF, and is accomplished professional speaker. This book is one that touched me so deeply that I was inspired to write my own books. Thanks Dr. Garfield! I am happy to have the chance to include you as part of the "Praise Others Project".

If you are looking for a great book to read on success......track down a copy of Peak Performers.


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