Monday, December 13, 2010

Integrated Visibility to Boost Sales

Marketing, advertising, PR, business development, speaking and writing, word-of-mouth, and all the aspects of social media cannot operate in separate silos.

The reason that companies invest time and money in these activities is to boost sales. But if you do not have all the people involved with creating visibility working together, then your efforts will come up short.

(If you cannot see the above video, here is the link:

Do not forget that it comes down to sales. Companies need paying customers to survive. Why would you invest in visibility activities if they are not driving sales?

Have regular discussions with your team so that everyone is kept informed about all the actions that are being taken. Take advantage of the new year and host a company meeting where you can begin the dialogue.

Too many company's have backed off on holding meetings, but this can leave employees feeling uninformed. Encouraging discussions on how to promote the company can be the catalyst for ideas that boost your bottom line.

Integration of you visibility will not happen by accident.

Have A Great Day.

thom singer

****If your company is holding an annual meeting, consider hiring Thom Singer to speak, facilitate or lead a sales training program.

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